Monday, September 2, 2013

Going Through A Break-Up

For most people, breaking up isn’t easy, especially when you were in a deep relationship with that person that lasts maybe a year plus. The time it takes to get over someone depends on that connection and bond that has been shared. For some people, if it was your first boyfriend or girlfriend, and that relationship lasted about a very long time, it’s going to be even harder to get over each other… But that’s if it was a strong relationship with ever lasting memories and moments.

Our minds think that the stronger the relationship, the more we start gearing towards marriage and family. With that being said, as couples, you do so much together, one person will think “where do we go from here?” Speaking from a late adolescence point of view, more people will think it’s time to get married and venture out in the real world. With couples who are going through college, they will tend to marry as soon as they graduate. I’ve talked to couples who has had a great relationship with someone thinking that it was there only one. There’s a reason I always “Aim for the best, expect the best, but prepare for the worst”. Because just like life, love isn’t always promising. It can take moments, months, and years to build a relationship, but it will take an instant drop, and a blink of an eye for it to all go down into shambles. A lot of the times it may be unhealthy for us to grieve for a long time over that person who once loved us but turned against us. The feelings come, the memories are still drilled in our heads, and yet we don’t know how to solve our own problems. If it takes a long time, let it all out if possible but not for too long. Eventually, once you’re set free from emotion, go out with your girls and guy friends, have a good time, and use this opportunity to rebuild and refresh for a new beginning, life, or any other opportunity that awaits you. But only do it if you’re truly ready and over the break-up situation. How long it takes to get over someone to be exact? That I don’t know. Someone said it was 6 months to a year depending on how close you were with that person. But always realize, even if you departed and once had a deeper connection to that person, they will forever hold a special place in your heart. You can let them go and forget them all you want, but in a small little area, you will still hold some care for them. Sometimes if it takes an instant to get over someone, chances are it wasn’t mutual in the first place. Another thing to remember is no matter how the break-up went, you can’t turn against that person completely. If you turned against someone who’s impacted your life, re-evaluate your mindset, and realized that it’s all just feelings of anger, and sadness. That person has made a good impact on your life, and eventually possibly has done all he/she can to help you out in someway. So just remember, it’s never the end of the world if you’ve experienced a break-up. Realize that you have the potential to become stronger than before, and a whole new person. Forget the memories that will deepen the pain even more.

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