Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Where's The Loyalty: Being Truthful in a Relationship

A great relationship requires many things. But the one I want to talk about is “Loyalty”. What is Loyalty? What is Truth? Are we evaluating ourselves first before acquiring the relationship with our partner? In order to understand what the other person is, we have to truly fulfill our destiny and learn from our mistakes. We all are guilty of telling lies. But we can’t continue being dishonest with others. Later I will give my acronym of “RELATIONSHIP” That every couple should think through. But for now, sticking with Loyalty, I see a sense that there are those couples who lost their loyalty for each other. When the loyalty becomes lost for each other, the loyalty becomes lost in ourselves. Have you ever been through a good relationship and once a break-up occurs and it’s called off, you’re stuck with the question “What have I done wrong?”. There are numerous questions we are often left with besides “what have I done wrong?”. For instance, we are also left thinking if perhaps the stuff being said in the relationship itself were lies or dis-honest feelings. Be thoughtful in what you say and also be thoughtful of your actions. What we get caught up in is telling someone what THEY want to hear versus what they actually want to hear.

No matter how big or small the lie is, you should always tell the truth to your partner. Even if it’s something that they might get offended about, the truth is always better than a cover up. If you cover up one lie, you are now stuck with telling others lies to cover up that one. A lot of times, if you’re caught lying, the guilt and shame in your self will continue to grow and will haunt you. So with that said, be honest to yourself. It’s not just about saying and doing things what makes others happy, but that you’re able to carry out the right thing within you. If you’re loyal and true to yourself first, you are able to carry it with the next person around you. Tell the person how you feel and what you feel. If any situation or question comes up, be mindful on how to address it. If he/she doesn’t agree, don’t pressure it but accept it. Sometimes it may require a little push and shove if they’re too stubborn. The loyalty within the relationship begins with how we are loyal to ourselves. A Relationship is Family, and Loyalty must always be the number one rule in Family. Obey yourself and obey others.


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