Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Trust & Loyalty

I don’t know why men get overly upset when they see their girl socially talking to someone else. But then again, it goes for women. Women don’t like it when their man is caught seen with other ladies talking to them, or at least to where ladies are flirting with him.

I felt the need to write this blog to set something straight. Last week on Friday night, I was in Aggieville for the first time since May. Apparently, I like to go to hang out, chill, and enjoy myself with friends. I don’t go to get wasted, and I definitely don’t go just to pick me up a chick. Anyways, I walked inside of one of the bars just right about thirty minutes to closing time, and my friends just sat and chilled. While they ordered their drinks, they decided to go out and get something to eat. With the Varsity Truck in the back Alley, and a Pita Pit down the block, they dispersed, I stayed. While I was staying, I had a small conversation with a female sitting next to me. We were talking about something, and she decided to ask questions about the topic she was talking about.  Anyway, at no point was I flirting, or even THINKING about this girl during the moment. To be honest, I was more engaged in the conversation. However, this other random guy seemed to be upset when we were talking. With that said, he said, “sir, I’m going to need you leave, and you [the girl] sit over there”. Okay, I can understand that it was closing time, and you needed to get some work done, but if you’re upset and didn’t want me talking to her, you could’ve said so. Respectfully, I just walked out without putting up a fight. Now to be honest, I don’t know if that was her boyfriend, brother, cousin, whoever it was, I can assure you that knowing how Aggieville can be, sometimes you just have to protect those you know from strangers. But this blog isn’t about the situation, but more so on the words “Loyalty” and “Trust”.

Ladies and Gentlemen, know that each and everyone of you is a unique individual. As human beings, we will always have those who are “interested” in us. We will always have fans, friends, and of course anyone who will come into our lives. The problem is, we let jealousy get the best of us. When we go out with someone, we feel the entitlement of keeping that person guarded from being free into his/her own world. Yes, we have the urge to tell them what they can, or cannot do. We also have a say to make up all these rules. Anyhow, often times, we don’t like to see our loved ones talking to others, flirting, or at least be somewhere when we are not present. We also don’t like to see our partners text anyone else in their phone, like pictures, comment on their tweets, photos, etc.. so we feel the need to monitor them. Technically, my girl could be hiding secrets from me that I DON’T know about, but here’s where it comes down to.

A Relationship is built on “Trust”. If you begin your relationship, you’re committing to trust each other at every step, every second, and in every way in life.  I’m not that type of guy that’s going to monitor my girl, or interfere with who she lets enter in her life, talks to at a hang out place, or whatever…I will not get super defensive in fighting someone just because that person thinks she’s beautiful. All I’m saying is, it’s something that we have to deal with everyday. But my focus isn’t that person, or the situation. Instead, my focus is on the girl who I am with. Yes, there could be others who are beyond greater than I am and perhaps trying to get with them, but if my girl can standup for herself, and resist temptation of flirting with other people, and even perhaps stop the situation, that’s all that matters. It’s the ultimate test of how us men should look at. If she can fight for herself, and say “sorry, I have a man”, or “ Excuse me, but I am beautiful only for my man”, then obviously, she passed the test.

I didn’t write the the meat of the blog, because there’s many things that can happen in any situation, but all I’m saying is, Trust is within your partner. If you can Trust them that they will be loyal to their self, and you, then perhaps, you can take the worry off your shoulders. Relax, go out, have fun. To be honest, if anyone tries to talk to your partner, or seems interested in them, take into consideration that you have someone great by your side.

Life is full of temptations, so the best way to fight them off, is you. Anyone else can only peer pressure you to do something.

Ronald Atkinson

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