Monday, August 25, 2014

Morning Thoughts: Dealing With Negativity.

In my last blog, I talked about Encouragement. As of 7:00am, Monday Morning, I woke up this morning still feeling angry at some things. As I looked about the sun shining through my window, I realized that it was a brand new day. As I went about on my morning blogging routine, I took one look into my e-mail inbox and noticed the e-mails that contained “negativity”. What exactly did I do? Simple deleted them so I wouldn’t have to worry about it. Why is that? Because, any negativity that comes towards you, will simply become a part of you. When it’s a part of you, it will consume you to bring it down even more.  So I took my one step out of bed, prayed a “Prayer for Guidance” In which Joyce Meyer wrote on her Facebook…
            "Holy Spirit, come dwell in me fully and completely. I know that I cannot change things on my own. I'm open and sensitive to Your promptings and sincerely invite You to get involved in every area of my life. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for comforting me, strengthening me, counseling me, standing by me and helping me with everything that I face and go through. I want you to be my chief Counselor, my main Teacher. I want You to lead me and guide me. I allow You to take charge and remain with me forever. Amen."

After that was said and done, I prayed for others out of encouragement and love. Simply because as Christians, it’s the right thing to do. After I came back from my first class, I thought about all of the other people who don’t have a “Faithful” connection. What did I do? I simply prayed for them. Then I thought to myself, if you continue to dwell on the negative, you will receive negative results. If others who persecute you continue to think negative about you, they will get negative results.

What I’m trying to say is this, “Negativity” is like e-mail. Remove and delete the junk, or else, it will control your mind, body, and spirit. Continue to pray for guidance, healing, and comfort, and always remember that you’re a conquer with the anointing of the most high God.  Negative is like one small single cell. If you dwell on that tiny cell, it will just continue to grow. Once it grows, you will feed from it. With that said, it will keep you from finding the positive cells in the situation that you’re in. Always find the smallest positive cell, grow from it, encourage it, and use your FAITH, to expect the positive outcomes.

Amen, and God Bless!!

Ronald Atkinson

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