Friday, April 25, 2014

Hold Your Peace, and Let The Lord Fight Your Battles

There’s a quote that I’ve been hearing throughout my life and goes “Hold your peace, and let The Lord fight your battles”. Every waking day in life, we will come across people who either think they’re better than others, people who can’t stand to see you succeed, or people who just like to put others down. As we move out into the real world, those people are never going to leave you. The real reality is, we have to watch what we say to others or how we come across someone because you never know what that other person is going through in life, or what their mindset is. It’s very simple nowadays how easy we can offend someone until either A.) They throw the first punch and begin to get defensive, or B.) They’ll have something up their sleeve with an army of people ready to attack you when you least expect it. A lot of people think it’s joke so what they try to do is test your ability of stance. They will say things and laugh, but they don’t know what’s on your mind because the minute something was said, it already set you off. Will I put up a fight? Yes I would, and everyone will always mistake kindness as the weakness.  That’s what you have to be aware about, just because someone is appeared to be the nicest person around doesn’t always mean they are weak, timid, foolish, or easily manipulated. They are stronger than you think. So now what? Look at everyone who’s brought negativity in your life, or at least try to put you down to make themselves look and feel good….What would Jesus do?

Here’s where holding your peace comes in affect.
I’ve been through a lot, and when I have to deal with negative people in my life, or at least come in contact with someone who plays no special role in what they’re trying to contribute, I will have to bite my tongue. Keep in mind that there will always be
            Liars behind your back,
            Envious people who can’t stand to see you go the right direction, and of course my favorite type of people, those who try to tear you down and aren’t satisfied no matter how hard you try to accomplish a mission of theirs.

 There will also be times people will try disrespect you out of bitterness and all you want to do rip that person apart. Think about it, your hair sticks up and you begin to get goosebumps, you then start to feel your heart racing with blood beginning to boil. You look at them with that angry look as if your mom or grandmother was upset for talking back she will hit you with a cast iron skillet so hard you wouldn’t wake up for months.

As a man, I have to hold my peace and not let it get to me because it’s a childish act to fight someone that’s not even worth my time.  Someone came up to me the other day and had the nerve to say some words. All I did was blinked twice, smiled, said okay, and moved on with my business (A nice version of giving shade). Did it get to me? A little bit, but I didn’t let it bother me or at least ruin my day. It’s just like when a professor, boss, or someone of a higher authority is trying to rip you apart in his office, I just sit back with my arms folded, smile, and say “Thank you for the words, are you done?”. If you hit someone with a smile and “Are you done?” it really amazes me how upset they get. I respect that they’re upset and the situation that’s going on, but it’s really amazing how calm I am. If I were to handle some business that needs to be addressed, said, and done, then we’ll talk face to face like business partners and politicians. But if you feel the need to act childish by raising your voice and getting a fit, I’m sorry you’re not solving anything that needs to get accomplished. It doesn’t just go for bosses, but that goes for anyone. You can always voice your opinion and get defensive without raising your voice or trying to initiate a fight…Let them see how childish they are acting…They won’t win the fight.

Liars: Liars are people who will get their awakening when the light will come when least expected. Liars, Cheaters, and Backstabbers will always appear to get away with something, but somewhere it will back fire when you leave it alone and let the good Lord handle it mysteriously. So what do you actually do? You actually need to watch them, hold them accountable, but don’t allow them in your life if you know they’re bad trouble. Pray for them for they know not what to do.

Envious people, what are you jealous of? Have you walked in my shoes? Live your life and not focus on competition. Here’s a thing, what you do is what you do so you have to live to what YOU want to accomplish.
No matter how much someone tries to bring you down or at least clutters your day, space, and life with negativity,  keep in mind that you’re a child of God. God is always on your side, so hold your peace because there is reward coming your way. Be happy at living life and see how things will work out. Hold your peace, and let The Lord fight your battles.

Love your enemies, but above all, pray for those who persecute you in every way.

No matter how much you try to bring me down, all I can say is I'm a child of the most High, and there's absolutely NO WAY you can win the battle in all aspects of any situation. Like I said before, you can try all you want to, but I'll just laugh and know it will not make any difference because God is always on my side. 


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